Hello and welcome to Shea Parker's official website. Shea is an actor currently living and auditioning in LA. He recently graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Religious Studies, and now, with a passion for comedy and a strong background in improvisation, Shea is hard at work trying to make it in this crazy town. Check out the site and come back to get updated on any new info.


March 22nd: Shea's production company 1020Films has been trucking along making sketch comedy and short films every two weeks (most of Shea's updates can be found on the 1020 website here), and now they have something really special. They just made a book trailer for a new Young Adult novel called Above. The trailer was made for a contest that Above's publishing company has put up, and Shea needs your help to win it. Watch the trailer and hit that like button. The video with the most likes will win $1000!
October15th: Shea has started a production company (!) called 1020Films with his good friend and writing partner Amir Rakib. Check out their website and their USA Projects page. They're going to need a lot of help to get off the ground, so please do your best to donate a little money and help spread the word.
July 21st: Ready for another big update? Shea's webseries, now called Positive Placement People, is finally online! Go check it out here and tell your friends. The hope is that enough people will see it and it'll get picked up, giving us a second season.
February 15th: Wow, that was another big break between updates, so there's a lot to tell. First off are some new pictures for you to check out in the headshots section, so take a look at those. Shea finished filming his webseries, which should be airing soon with a new name. Check in for updates on that when they become available. And finally, if you want more frequent and personal updates on Shea's life/career, you can follow him on his new Twitter account @sheasayswords.
September 27th: Hello everyone. The site has been quiet but Shea has been busy. Recently he's gotten new headshots, which will appear on the website soon. Also, he has booked the lead on a new webseries called Career Center Counselors, and begins filming October 1st. More details to come as soon as they are available.
April 17th: Shea has booked a USC film called Wither, about a young couple torn apart by drugs. Filming will start April 23rd.
March 14th: A clip from the short film Jewsus that Shea starred in can now be seen on Youtube here. Check it out (you may have to open the link in a new tab or window).
March 3rd: Shea has signed with Redrock Entertainment Development, a very promising management company.
December 15th: Shea has had a very busy month. He got 3rd place in first ever stand-up comedy show (and will be continuing to perform in the coming year), he read the lead character in a staged reading for a hilarious upcoming feature film, he improvised in Rapid Fire's first Holiday show, and he performed in his Groundlings Writing Lab show "Don't Lab, Don't Tell," which was very well received. Pictures and possibly video will be coming soon.
November 3rd: Shea will be performing in his first ever stand-up comedy show on Sunday November 28th at the MacKenzie Theater in Burbank. The show is also a contest with 1st place getting 15% of the door (cover charge is $15) so make sure to vote for Shea! The show is at 8 PM and it's BYOB, so come on down with a beer or two (or a case, and you can share with the rest of the class).
October 2nd: Shea filmed a USC Grad film based on the popular webcomic Penny Arcade. He had a lot of fun playing Gabe.
September 24th: Shea filmed his part of Young Mr. Dippy today opposite Paul Ben-Victor on the feature film Should've Been Romeo. Pictures coming soon.
August 15th: Shea has booked a role in the feature film Should've Been Romeo as the potato chip spokesman Young Mr. Dippy, and will be filming in September.
August 3rd: Check out a picture from Shea's graduation day at UCLA here
May 17th: Shea's short film Jewsus has been accepted in the Short Film Corner at Cannes! Check out the information page here (and unless you can speak french, make sure to hit the english button on the top right)
March 28th: Shea's new pictures have just been uploaded. Check them out on the headshots page.
February 25th: Shea's improv troupe Rapid Fire Improv will be having their first performance this Friday, 6:00 at UCLA in MacGowan Hall 1330. It's free so come on down and enjoy the show.
January 24th: Hey everybody, sorry for the lack of updates. To give you an idea of what Shea's been up to lately, he recently finished all of his coursework at UCLA and will walk with the rest of the graduating class this June, filmed a short film called "Sister Miriam," joined UCLA's new improv troupe Rapid Fire Improv, and just took new headshots. Look for those to be added to the site real soon.
July 1st: Shea's episode of The Ex-List can now be bought online.
May 3rd: New pictures of Shea at the Lake Arrowhead Film Festival are up in the photographs section, check them out.
April 13th: Shea's short film "Jewsus" has been touring several film festivals and winning awards. The most recent award was 3rd place for best student film at the Lake Arrowhead Film Festival. Shea was lucky enough to attend this film festival and had a great time, photos will be coming soon.
November 18th: Shea booked and filmed a co-star role on CBS's The Ex-List.
November 11th: Shea's short film "Jewsus" won Best Comedy at the International Student Film Festival Hollywood. Check out the full results here
August 27th: Shea's Pizza Hut commercial has started airing. Look for him in the red delivery boy outfit. Also, check out a behind the scenes look at the commercial here
August 20th: Shea's short film "Jewsus" is playing in its first film festival. It's called Whistler and it's in British Columbia, Canada. So if you're in the area you should definitely check it out.
June 28th: Shea filmed a Pizza Hut commercial on the 27th and 28th. Look for him as a delivery guy in the new hidden camera commercial set to air in September.
June 18th: Sorry for the lack of updates. There's been plenty of activity but we've had some major website problems lately. I'll sum up the major events: Shea worked on "The Rascal" a webseries directed by Ross Novie. It will be available for viewing online at Sony Comedy Channel. Also, the short film Jewsus premiered at Chapman University and has been nominated for awards there, including Best Film. It will also be entering at least ten upcoming film festivals.
January 12th: Shea finishes filming the Chapman thesis film "Jewsus".
November 10th: Shea has new theatrical representation and a new manager.  He is now with BBA and MGA Talent, respectively.
November 5th: Shea booked a graduate thesis film at Chapman University and will film for two weekends in December.
August 1st: Shea's commercial has started playing in California.  You can see it online here.
July 6th: Shea booked a commercial for CA Endowment for medical reforms.  He will film on July 11th.
June 15th: Shea's Cinevegas promo can be seen here (Father/Son under "festival trailers") or here.

Shea's Fun Facts